Monday, March 14, 2011

Avon Fundraiser

My awesome new friend Jenae is having a cancer fundraiser for the Everett Clinic, wait... I mean Adam.  Not too many orders and she is graciously donating her whole commission to him! So please only two days left, we get 40% of all sales. Spend $30 and free shipping! Spend $10 and $4 goes to Team Bogart, it can add up quickly! Buy an eyeliner, some kids stuff, kitchen stuff! So many times u think five bucks cant change someones world, well it can . with that five bucks I can get anti nausea meds, thats part of a copay and best of all u get something too, and good karma:)! I dont want her to feel bad if no one particiapates. were all busy we all have chaos but if u can take a few dollars buy your self a treat and pay it foward at the same time, do it!  
Your five dollars can buy my stressed out butt a refill on her Xanax! Help a person u know not let cancer kick them in the ass and leave them in debt, so please pay it foward , make my friend Jenae's efforts be rewarded and buy something! I am going to! my teens need makeup, great stuff lots of stuff u would never expect from Avon! 
 I hate begging but times a ticking away so take the time and do this for me! sponsor JULIE'S SANITY  :)